Exciting news! We are inviting guests to help us install new fragments in our coral nursery. Watch the video to find out more about how you can get involved.
Великолепные новости! Отель Six Senses Laamu 5* на Мальдивах приглашает своих гостей внести свою лепту
After nine months of waiting patiently, our first batch of corals had grown from fragments only the size of a fist to some as large as 20cm in diameter. Consequently, we decided they were ready to be outplantedfrom our mid-water nursery onto the house reef. Over the course of four days, we outplanted more than130 Pocillopora verrucosa colonies and will be continuously monitoring their health as part of our researchefforts. With more than 500 colonies from nine other species still growing in the nursery, we hope to increaseour outplanting efforts in the coming months.